Business Machine

Technology, business
and innovation.

And, not least, about
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Weblog Archive Cutedge

by: Bernard Teo

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Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

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Thu 11 Sep 2003

Notable Quotes

Category : Commentary/timhoward.txt

I like this quote from Tim Howard, Manchester United's solid new goalkeeper, comparing life in the English Football League with his old one in the United States.

"When you're at Manchester United, everything is scrutinised, every little thing. There's a pressure to perform every day that is greater. Pressure can bust pipes or make diamonds. I turn that pressure into something I can enjoy.

"The real unfortunate part is when I make the saves it's 'brilliant save by Howard'. When I make a mistake, it's 'the American has a lot to learn'. You could get consumed by that, but you have to let it slide off your back."

I love that - 'you can get consumed by that, but you have to let it slide your back'. Tim Howard looks tough enough, mentally, to stay up with the Roy Keanes of the world, and that's alright with me.

On the subject of United, I've just finished a book I salvaged from the discards, "Manchester Unlimited, The Money, Egos, and Infighting Behind the World's Richest Football Club" by Mihir Bose. Interesting views of football as serious business, especially if you're soccer fan like me. Best three bucks I've spent lately.

Now, how about the Triads as a serious business? I'm enjoying Timothy Mo's "Sour Sweet" about life in Chinese Soho in the sixties, which I bought umpteen years ago but which I've only just managed to find time to read.

This is really the purpose of this weblog - to figure out how to get close to running the ideal business, from learning from all these different perspectives.

Posted at 4:39PM UTC | permalink

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