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Weblog Archive Cutedge

by: Bernard Teo

Creative Commons License

Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

Sun 13 Apr 2003

Getting Connected to Broadband

Category : Technology/broadbandoutline.txt

I hope to write something that can help more Mac users find a sure, quick path to getting connected to broadband (at least for those using OS X). I know that there is documentation available elsewhere but I'd like to make another contribution.

I'll need to start by listing the three major broadband services (SCV, Pacific and Singnet), and describing how the Mac works with each of these. I'll concentrate more on the use of Ethernet-based modems (rather than USB-based ones) because it is the Airport Base Station that will truly set you free. The Airport Base Station needs an Ethernet-based modem.

Once the broadband connection is set up, you can set up a server running web and mail services in two ways : (1) with the Mac connected directly to the broadband modem, and (2) with the Airport Base Station coming in-between the Mac and the broadband modem.

Method 2 is a more complicated procedure. It requires the activating of a DNS service on the server, so that the server can be accessible by other machines on the Internet, though it is running behind an Airport Base Station. Since I've already written an update to Sendmail Enabler that will enable the DNS server with just one click, actually doing this is easy. It is the explaining (of how the whole thing works together) that is hard.

Posted at 3:44PM UTC | permalink

Broadband, Airport, and OS X as Server

Category : Technology/dns.txt

I've updated Sendmail Enabler (to version 1.02) to add support for activating OS X's built-in Domain Name Server. This is needed to allow a web and mail server to operate behind an Airport Base Station. Without a DNS server operating on the Airport Base Station network, web and mail services will not be accessible by other machines on the Internet, port mapping by the Airport Base Station will not work, and machines on the local Airport network will not be able to hit the web and mail server by using its domain name.

It's a bit hard to explain this. So I'm looking to set up a "Broadband and OS X" page to help people connect their OS X machines to a boradband network, with or without an Airport Base Station.

Posted at 7:21AM UTC | permalink

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A Mac Business Toolbox
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A Business Scenario
How we could use Macs in businesses

VPN Enabler for Mavericks

MailServe for Mavericks

DNS Enabler for Mavericks

DNS Agent for Mavericks

WebMon for Mavericks

Luca for Mavericks

Liya for Mountain Lion & Mavericks

Postfix Enabler for Tiger and Panther

Sendmail Enabler for Jaguar

Services running on this server, a Mac Mini running Mac OS X 10.9.2 Mavericks:

  • Apache 2 Web Server
  • Postfix Mail Server
  • Dovecot IMAP Server
  • Fetchmail
  • SpamBayes Spam Filter
  • Procmail
  • BIND DNS Server
  • DNS Agent
  • WebDAV Server
  • VPN Server
  • PHP-based weblog
  • MySQL database
  • PostgreSQL database

all set up using MailServe, WebMon, DNS Enabler, DNS Agent, VPN Enabler, Liya and our SQL installers, all on Mavericks.