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by: Bernard Teo

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Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

Mon 05 Jul 2004

Last Day in San Francisco

Category : Commentary/GoodbyeSanFrancisco.txt

It's amazing how many places you can get onto the Internet from (for free) via the Airport connection in San Francisco. I've sent mail from a bench in Union Square, a bus stop near Nordstrom and, now, from a Chinese fast food place (Asia Express, I think it's called) near the Villa Florence Hotel. (And, of course, the Apple Store).

It's been a good WWDC. I didn't think sitting inside a convention hall listening to geek-talk could compete with the sights of San Francisco, but I've sat through all the sessions I wanted to attend and found them all interesting.

I hadn't written anything because there's just so much to absorb and there's already so much written elsewhere on the web. Also, I couldn't quite shake off the jet lag. Mostly, at around 4.00 pm San Francisco time (when it's 7.00 am in Singapore), all my systems just want to shut down. It's all I could do to plough through the last two sessions, and then it's time to crash out.

Maybe a summary when I get back. But, first, there's a long 18-hour flight to endure tomorrow. Time to say goodbye to San Francisco.

(PS : Why does it take longer to fly back than to get here? One would have thought that we would be aided by the earth's rotation; you know, Singapore should be rushing towards us just as we're rushing towards it.)

Posted at 1:02AM UTC | permalink

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