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by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

Wed 29 Dec 2004

Java Debugger in Xcode

Category : Technology/XcodeJavaDebugger.txt

The nice thing about getting hit with problems is that you often discover new things in the process of solving those problems. We thought we had lost the ability to debug Java code when we moved from Xcode 1.2 to Xcode 1.5. That was something that was asked about quite a lot during the "Java on OS X" course last week. So we were planning to move back to Xcode 1.2 the next time.

However, while trying to stop the Java code from crashing, doing Cocoa Bindings, we really needed to know what was happening to the code. Finally, Hai Hwee, who could have been a top-notch detective in a previous life, found out how to turn the debugger back on, while fortuitously following a random Google link about remote debugging.

The control's hidden in the Get Info pane for the project executable. With the debugger back on, we really made a lot of progress after that.

The great thing is, we discovered that debugging now works for AppleScript Studio projects, too. At last. So, Xcode 1.5 is it. No use going back. What will 2.0 bring in Tiger?

Posted at 6:53AM UTC | permalink

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