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Weblog Archive Cutedge

by: Bernard Teo

Creative Commons License

Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

Sat 08 Apr 2006


Category : Commentary/clairvoyance.txt

I was just thinking that I had written something like this, in a posting called "Prescience" on 12th of November 2005 :

"We're looking ahead to the first MacTels - Macs on Intel chips - probably as early as January.

"We're probably going to be able to run Windows at native speed on these machines. They're going to be the only machines that cover all the bases (Mac OS X, Linux and Windows). They're going to be sexy as hell. They're going to be cheaper even than Dells, or in any case, provide unprecedented value for money.

"And, when we're done crossing over, we'll get to run Mac OS X on those other ordinary PCs."

Well, Macs are running on Intel chips.

"... We're probably going to be able to run Windows at native speed on these machines ..."

And so we are, aren't we?

"... And, when we're done crossing over, we'll get to run Mac OS X on those other ordinary PCs ...

So, is this going to happen or not? We live in interesting times.

PS: What Boot Camp means to me : I'll never ever have to buy a PC again. Ever.

Posted at 2:27PM UTC | permalink

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