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by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
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Tue 15 Jun 2010

Berlin Wall Comes to Bedok Reservoir

Category : Commentary/BerlinWall.txt

Fragments of the Berlin Wall at Bedok Reservoir, depicting two kings, one bright and joyful, the other blind to the wishes of his people :

It made me think of the book about North Korea that I've just finished reading - "Jia by Hyejin Kim". That was harrowing, like living inside a Hieronymous Bosch painting. I finished it with a sense of gratitude that the author did not turn the screws on our emotions but kept her touch light. But still, your heart will go out to the North Koreans.

Now, if you switch media for the moment and compare that with this viral YouTube video of a South Korean applegirl002 making music with four (count 'em) iPhones. She looks so bright and happy, it doesn't leave much doubt that South Korea has the better political/economic climate, does it? The "Dear Leader" up north is the King on the right, "oblivious to the wishes of his people".

Posted at 3:02PM UTC | permalink

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