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by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
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Mon 19 May 2003

Speaking of Kiyosaki

Category : Commentary/kiyosaki.txt

I cannot speak of Kiyosaki without thinking of Singapore's own Dennis Wee, who calls Robert Kiyosaki his mentor.

A year ago, I had thought of selling an apartment my family owned but I had time on my hands, so I thought of doing it myself, without a housing agent. So I went to attend a real estate talk. Not just any real estate talk but the one conducted by the guy who has his face plastered all over the place - at the back of the buses, in a Red Indian outfit in the papers, the drop-out made good - Dennis Wee.

I wasn't disappointed. It was a spectacle. Our own version of the Reality Distortion Field. I wish I can sell like Dennis Wee. At the end of the free talk, I signed up for the full S$800 course. He's that good. But like he says, it's all in your mind. To change your life, you've got to start with your mind. Clear your mind and the rest of your life will follow.

It's one year ago this month since I was quite thoroughly entertained. But I've been led to Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, and Tom Hopkins. Not to mention a full year of 20% discount whenever I placed an ad on the classified pages.

PS : instead of selling the flat, I tried renting it out. I got a tenant within 45 minutes of the first call. Was it the training, or beginner's luck? I'll soon find out because the year is up. Anyway, I saved enough on commission to pay for that S$800 course.

Posted at 7:54AM UTC | permalink

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